
What's new in APRSISCE6P110123.zip and APRSIS32110123.zip

About version is 2011/01/23 18:55

Major Features:

AltNets (aprs101.pdf chapter 4) are supported.

"Auto-Reply" is now supported for responding from an unattended station

Support beaconing compressed locations as well as ambiguous positions

EchoLink nodes can now be queried, filtered, and displayed as objects

Dead Reckonging shows stations moving based on their last position, heading, and speed

WinMo Only: Track and Display Cellular coverage changes

Support fledgling AVRS server contacts directly from station popup menu (See http://aprs.org/avrs.html)

Support NWS Alert (http://www.aprs-is.net/wx/) reception and MultiLine Object (http://www.aprs-is.net/WX/MultilineProtocol.aspx) drawing. Click the "Counties" or "Zones" links to find your 3 character NWS office ID.

Weather information is parsed and displayed (summary in labels, details in popup)

Now support Weather Object / Station beaconing with WxNow.txt-format data file input

Functionality Additions and Improvements

Parse and display Storm (Hurricane) data including as labels if Screen / Labels / Weather is checked.

Display weather or storm summary on station popup menu instead of comment

New View filter based on the detected Platform of the clients. Shows count and percentages as well, by platform.

Messaging Improvements

Allow the case of callsigns in an active Chat to change. This allows you to correct kj4erj-1 to KJ4ERJ-1 via Messages / Send Message without restarting APRSIS32. Note that ? queries are CaSe SeNsItIvE on the answering side!

Duplicate messages (especially non-ack'd ones) are only counted in (*N hh:mm:ss) if they are on the same date.

(Hopefully) fixed the colorization and duplication of digi-heard outbound messages in the Chat window.

(Hopefully) fixed "Monitor" bringing up the wrong Chat if a message directed to you arrives while you're thinking about Monitoring or not.

Left (normal) button click on Chat URL opens browser. Right click now simply copies URL to clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere.

New Messages / Chats menu that shows and provides access to active chats

If you Clear and Close a Chat window, it will go completely away, otherwise it simply hides

Configure / Messages / RF Eavesdrop supports eavesdropping on just RF-received (not -IS) messages. This lets you display only "locally" heard messages rather than All. Clear Eavesdrops clears these as well.

Messages / Auto-Reply has Message (what to send) and "Inactive For" and "No More Than" sub-menus. "InActive For" is a delay since the last interaction with APRSISCE/32 before a configured Auto-Reply will be sent. "No More Than" sets the minimum interval between Auto-Replies to a single station.

Fixed Auto-Reply and now show an inactivity countdown bar at the bottom of the messages pane if you have an Auto-Reply message configured. It counts up to the "Inactive For" timer.

Auto-Answers are now delivered on a timer so that even if you ignore an incoming message, an AA: will be sent when the inactivity timer is exceeded, provided that the "No More Than" is not violated. Otherwise it waits that interval since the last AA for that station.

Fixed timer AA: delivery to flush all future pending AA: for a station when one is sent. Otherwise, it would send one per unread message at "No More Than" intervals!

If you change your callsign or -SSID, any existing chat window will disable itself from being able to send. (Steve G6UIM)

New Messages / Announcements / Describe Groups sends "D" to get a list of groups with descriptions (NOT recommended on RF!)

Message groups in responses to queries are now sorted in alpha order by name

User Interface / Data Visibility Improvements

Increased MaxTrackers from 10 to 16. Range MultiTracks are still limited to 6 due to APRS-IS filter limitations.

Add last beacon timestamp to ME station info popup. ME popup menu now shows beacon time, not Up: time (which is still shown in ME station info popup).

Corrected width of last packet display pane when a station popup menu is active. (Was sizing with a proportional font and displaying fixed).

Configure / Messages / Lookup (WHO-IS) now has Brief (default for 1 line) and Full (3 lines of address) options. Brief is highly recommended for non -IS users.

Locally configured bulletin text is now included in the Messages / Bulletin popup menu.

Announcement group subscriptions now support CQSRVR, but not quietly. Messages / Announcements shows CQSRVR and Quiet status directly in the menu.

Message / Announcements / Active & My Groups now queries both CQSRVR and ANSRVR so expect 2 answers.

New Beacon / Symbol that remembers recently selected symbols to make it easy to switch between, say, Jogger, Bicyle, Van, and Phone. Clear / Symbols will clear all remembered symbols (except the current one).

New Configure / Beacon / AltNet with remembered choices per aprs101.pdf Chapter 4. Alternate Network IDs can be up 6 alphanumerics but not one of the generic APRS destination addresses from page 13 (23 in the PDF). When an AltNet is selected, it will be shown in place of N(orth) on the map and only other stations in the same alternate network will be displayed if they match any checked View options. (Steve AB3LT)

When an AltNet is in force, APRSISCE/32 will provide an automatic u/<AltNet> filter to ensure that all of the network's packets are received from APRS-IS. This filter element is removed when the AltNet is set back to None.

"Used" AltNets are now flagged with a * and sorted to the top of the list. An AltNet is marked Used if you ever had it checked. Unused AltNets that have no recently heard stations are suppressed from the list. Otherwise, the number in () is the count of stations recently heard using that AltNet. There's lots of these as it seems that many UI-View users have messed up paths having removed the required "APRS," leading component (see the WIDE, WIDEn, and RELAY AltNets).

Support Configure / Beacon / Compressed for Base-91 (not Mic-E) compressed beacons from Chapter 9 of aprs101.pdf. If your symbol overlay is numeric, or both Course/Speed and Altitude are enabled, the Compressed setting will be ignored as it can't handle these conditions. (Randy WF5X)

Improve Compressed beacon parser to retain all available precision. Display such stations with 2 extra digits of accuracy. (Should be less CPU intensive as well).

Fixed larger ambiguity display to be the proper size. It was twice as large as it should have been. (Hessu, aprs.fi)

Support 4 levels of position ambiguity per spec via Configure / Beacon / Precision (Eventually ambiguity will be supported on objects as well)

Add Screen / Labels / Ambiguity to show ambiguous circles and have View / Ambiguous toggle like other View options (James VE6SRV)

Windows Mobile version now shows tight squares around stations if Screen / Label / Ambiguous is turned on and not too many stations are visible. Squares are cheaper to draw than circles which is why WinMo previously didn't show ambiguity on any but the centered station. Both ambiguous circles are drawn if the centered station is ambiguous.

Change the RF-Received * to @ in the scrolling station log if the packet was actually digipeated by the local station.

Whenever the Configure / General / Add Filter is changed, send the new filter as an APRS message to "SERVER" and show the chat with the server's response. This will help diagnose manually entered bogus filters that can cause the automatic ones to be ignored as well. (Look for SERVER at http://www.aprs-is.net/javAPRSFilter.aspx)

Support View / EchoLinks… loading the current status directly from http://www.echolink.org/node_location.xml and generating local object as if they came from APRS-IS.

Note: View / EchoLinks only shows objects within a Range-based filter. MultiTrack window centers and/or stations will not pick up EchoLinks unless you check the Range option on the MultiTracked stations's popup menu.

View / RF / 3rd Party shows stations whose packets have been received wrapped in a 3rd party packet

There are new View / Transport filters complete with counts of stations in that category:
RF Only will show stations that appear to be only using RF based on a path inspection (nothing about TCPIP or TCPXX in there).
RF + IS shows stations that appear to support both RF and -IS connectivity
RF IGate shows any station that has appeared after a q-construct indicating that it is an IGate
-IS Only shows stations that have always had TCPIP or TCPXX in their path
These options are the underlayment for some more intelligent features upcoming in the Messaging section.

MultiTrack windows now show - RANGING at the bottom center if you have selected the Range option for that window. Note that the Range only applies to the Centered(Tracked) station, even if you pan the map around! Unlike the main window which ADD filters for the tracked station's range to the map center's range.

Right-click in empty map space popup menu now incudes direct access to Chat and Monitor windows (Win32 only as WinMo has no right click).

Screen / Dead Reckoning - Better than a LRL (little red line)?: New green-to-red (based on age) line extends from a station transmitting course and speed to the projected location based on that information and the elapsed time (up to 5 minutes since last beacon). The station symbol is shown at the end of the line. A centered and locked station will not move the map until an actual beacon has been received (centering doesn't chase the DR symbol). Currently the DR icon is not clickable, but that will eventually be fixed.

Enables / Internet Access - If Unchecked, disables APRS-IS, all CWOP ports, OSM Tile fetching, Version checking. If checked, allows those functions to follow their own enables. This enables OSM and Version checking while still keeping APRS-IS disconnected if you want to go RF only. (Julian G4ILO)

Screen / Label / Speed / All - If not checked, Beacon, Calculated, OR Average speed (and Dead Reckoning) are displayed, whichever is first available. If All is checked, all available speeds are labeled and dead reckoned (yes, up to three forecasted stations will appear).

All station's with labels now show their configured Screen / Label / Speed selections. It used to only display the currently followed station.

Added Configure / Map / Purger toggle to allow on-line enable/disable of the OSM tile purger! No more editing the XML file to zero <OSM.RetainDays>!

WinMo Only:
Configure / Beacon / Cellular - Adds cellular carrier and signal strength to Beacon Comment
Configure / Status Report / Cellular - Adds cellular carrier and signal strenth to Status Report, forces Status Report on Carrier change
Screen / Labels / Cellular - Adds carrier and signal strength to station labels and also shows carrier changes and signal strengths on a new cellular track with points where either changes. (Not tied to actual beacons!)

Station information popup now counts Digi, Igate, and RFDigi packets per hour.

Added time parsed from the packet (if any) to the Station Info popup labeled "Time:" (how appropriate). It appears just above the local time that the most recent packet was received from that station. For NWS objects, this is actually the Expiration time even though for all other packet types, it's the timestamp of the data contained in the packet.

New AVRS option on Station Popup menu to a) if ME, query nearby EchoLink/IRLP nodes or b) Initiate a Linked voice QSO (with confirmation). See http://aprs.org/avrs.html.

New Configure / NWS menu with New Office, Messages, Notify, and Popup MultiTrack options. NWS offices are 3 alpha characters or * for ALL! Checking Messages will cause NWS-smelling messages to be captured and light up the Green Message pane. Notify will cause such messages to notify you. Popup MultiTrack will cause NWS objects (multi-line or not) to pop up an automatic MultiTrack window with View / None automatically selected to highlight why the window is there.

The automatic filter construction will include t/n if * is configured as an NWS station. Otherwise, a b/XXX* buddy filter is included for every configured NWS station ID in order to get the packets from that station (http://www.aprs-is.net/wx/).

http://tinyurl.com/NWS-Offices - For US NWS office 3 character codes

For NWS objects, show the Issued: and Expire: time parsed from the object on the Station Popup dialog.

New option to save and restore "Always" MultiTracks. Anytime MultiTracks are open when the client closes, you have an option to promote them to "Always". If an Always MultiTrack is closed before the next shutdown, it will be removed from the "Always" list.

If Windows reports the battery life as unknown more than 60 times in a row, the battery bar (outside right) will be removed from the screen permanently. This SHOULD only be on machines that currently permanently display 50%. (Chris N3HEV)

Support Configure / Screen / Battery to re-enable an inadvertantly disabled battery display or turn it off even if a battery is present.

Support Configure / Screen / Date/Time / GPS Only to only show time if GPS is enabled. It will still say "N/A" if time is not available.

GeoCaching Support

Single geocache in a popup menu no longer displays a random packet below the map, but the cache's short description instead.

Geocaches in a popup menu now include container and difficulty/terrain

Geocaches now retain the long description on Windows Mobile (previously it was only the short description).

The geocache info popup now offers a "Hint" button if a hint is available. These are not always helpful though!

View / Geocaches now supports geocaching.com's free (non-Premium) .LOC files. There's not as much information in these, but it will show the ID, Coordinates, name, Terrain/Difficulty and container type.

New Configure / Screen / Label / GeoCache options to show any or all of ID, Type, Container, Difficulty/Terrain for loaded (and viewed) GeoCaches. Geocache labels are only displayed if fewer than View.VisibleLabelsMax total caches are visible.

Object Support

Object configuration now supports Items and various Object timestamps (DHM(h), HMS(z), and Permanent (111111z))

Suppress Objects from ?APRSD responses (?APRSL and ?APRSH already suppressed objects)

Support ?APRSO to transmit configured and enabled (but possibly 0 interval) objects on demand.

Enabled, but 0 interval objects are not transmitted on a timer, but are transmitted in response to a ?APRSO query

New Configure / Objects / New Weather - Prompts for a file name and location and otherwise works like a new object. If the weather file cannot be accessed during a poll, the object automatically disables itself with a message in the Trace Log which is also brought to the front.

RF Port Support

The RF Port Configuration Dialog's Beacon, Telemetry, and IS to RF checkboxes are now (theoretically) supported! Type-specific paths are not yet done, and Me not 3rd is always enabled, but the remainder of the checkboxes should work now. Now to get some of these into the -IS port to better support RF-only (satellite) operations.

Configure / Ports / APRS-IS now allows individual enable/disable of both directions of IGating (regardless of the RF port settings), Xmitting at all to the APRS-IS, and selection of the various packet types that may be generated by APRSISCE/32. For those attempting to work RF-Only, you can now disable Bulletins, Beacons, Messages, and Telemetry from the APRS-IS while still keeping the RF to IS IGating active.

Configure / Ports / <YourRFPort> now supports individual enable/disable of Bulletins/Objects and/or Messages.

Disabled digipeating for Kenwood-specific port protocols as they don't transmit Used (*) path components. The Digi and the RFPort trace logs will reflect this disabling action.

ANSRVR Support

ANSRVR no longer sends back a "Still Monitoring" reply on a quiet KeepAlive request

ANSRVR now supports descriptions of groups which are settable via "D group description" but only by the owner which is the base callsign that first created the group. (Julian G4ILO)

If you are the first member of a new group, you become the owner and your CQ Text becomes the group's description.

If you "? group" to ANSRVR, it will show the description, owner, and members (if less than 16) of the group. Owners always receive the full membership list.

Both Active groups (?) and My Groups (L) will remind you of which groups you are owner.

ANSRVR now supports "D" to get one line per active group including the current description (and owner). "D GROUP" will give the description of a single group along with membership. "? GROUP" no longer gives members.

XML-Based Configuration parameters

A new configuration parameter <View.VisibleLabelsMax> governs the maximum number of visible stations before labelling is suppressed. It defaults to the original hard-coded parameters of 10 on WinMo and 50 on Win32. Only changable (currently) via XML edit.

Telemetry transmissions are now limited by a new XML-editable parameter (<Telemetry.MinTime>, default 15 seconds). Even if changes occur more frequently, telemetry will only be sent this frequently.

Configure / NWS / Offices are now checkable via the menus (defaults to checked for enabled). You still have to edit the XML to get rid of the Office completely.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug when the OSMTiles device ran low on free space. APRSISCE would simply exit without warning instead of logging the issue and suspending the tile fetcher.

Patch around <Open/CloseCmd>s crashing APRSIS32 when attached to a TCP port. A future revision will actually USE these elements on TCP ports! (At least it doesn't crash on transmit for the D710s running over TCP-connected serial ports).

Fix a few random crashes when non-ASCII data is received and parsed.

Fix Screen / Follow / Find on APRSISCE when multiple or no matches are found. It was hanging the client before.

Fix Screen / Follow / Find / MultiTrack to not bring the new station into the main window sometimes.

Hopefully fixed erroneous double-digi of packets in a WIDE2 configuration

Correctly attempt to parse weather from alternate and overlay (Numbered) weather stations (symbol _) per Bob.

Fixed a busted digipeat logic that was suppressing digis if packets were heard on -IS before RF. It now digis any given packet once per 30 second period. (Steve G6UIM)

Cleaned up invalid AltNet recognition. I now only remember AltNets from otherwise valid packets. Corrupted Mic-E packets were causing lots of bogus AltNets to be remembered.

Ackless messages no longer merge as duplicates in a Chat window if > 30 seconds newer (helps separate query responses, at least over APRS-IS)

Correct Compressed location generation to be more spec-compliant as well as support aprs.fi's parser interpretation of a csT where the c is blank. A single trailing blank for c will still be supported by the incoming APRSISCE/32 parser (length is 2 bytes shorter and no infomation is lost), but such packets will not be generated by APRSISCE/32 and such packets would still be flagged as unsupported by aprs.fi. (Hessu)

Another AutoReply fix that was causing auto-replies to still be issued to non-ack-requested messages (like AA's to ANSRVR announcements!)

Sort the Trace Log list in Enables / Logging & View Logs as well as the right click popup menu.

Eliminate speed limits on station movements if the station was seen at 0,0 (VE7GDH)

Corrected digi-flagging that was busted for "used" digi entries in the path. (James VE6SRV)

Fixed detection of Yaesu Mic-E devices (busted when interpreting Mic-E telemetry which conflicts with Yaeus's Mic-E type code). (Julian G4ILO)

Corrected station hourly counts display for Windows Mobile. (Kevin W7BOZ)

Strip trailing spaces off of items and objects so that they are Screen / Follow / Find-able

Fixed (hopefully) the Screen / Follow / Find of case-insensitively-matched, single object stations.

Internal Cleanups

Removed a few unnecessary \r\n from outbound packets. RF ports provide line delimiters if necessary.

Recognize Kenwood's new TH-D72 as a valid Platform

Recognize newly assigned APOAxx as OpenAPRS (which, incidentally, should soon start acking messages thanks to Greg NV6G (it's developer)'s efforts)

Most of you probably haven't noticed this, but if you have multiple messages of different types (Me, My, Internal, Group, Special, Eavesdrop) waiting, they're sorted by type in the initial popup, but time in the chat window. They are now time-sorted in both. (Problem most occured with both My and Eavesdrop enabled)

Close Stations popup now includes Track aging hours.

Default for Telemetry enable is FALSE on Win32, but still TRUE on WinMo

Remove leading and trailing spaces from Callsigns in Configuration, Send Message, and Find Station dialogs.

Remove all spaces from Passwords and AltNets.

Disallow NOCALL-SSID as a callsign during configuration. I can't truly require an amateur callsign, but I can require more creativity!

Respond with better text if no stations in response to ?APRSD/L/H

When a MultiTrack window is closed, remove the buddy/friend filter immediately (James VE6SRV)

Change View / Ambiguity to use rectangles instead of circles, cheaper to draw and (apparently) more accurate of a portrayal.

Change Ambiguity presentation back to the original circle per "Plotting Position Ambiguity" in http://aprs.org/symbols.html (Bob WB4APR)

Force a transmission when the Configure / Beacon / Precision is changed

Include actual port IGate/Xmit enable status in ?IGATE response strings (Kevin W7BOZ)

Purge bulletins (Hours) and Telemetry Definitions (Days) with configurable intervals - Show on Station Count popup

Treat any message that contains one of the 4 Telemetry definitions (PARM, UNIT, EQNS, BITS) as telemetry definitions (not required to be from/to self). (N6VUD->K6CDF-8)

If View / EchoLinks is already checked, you are asked if you want to Refresh or Remove EchoLinks if you select it again. Note: View / All is only turned off the first time you View / EchoLinks, not when you Refresh.

If your Configure / General / Range is zero, View / EchoLinks warns that you may not see any EchoLinks depending on your other filters.

Debug messages sent to KJ4ERJ-DB (Development version only) now include 32 vs CE so I know which platform is having what issue and how often.

Moved Screen / Map / Prefetch to Configure / Map / Prefetch as this sounds more like configuration that screen manipulation.

Verious configuration changes (mostly menu-driven, not dialog-driven ones) are now defered 60 seconds to keep the user from having to wait for the configuration file to save.

New View / Transport sub menu for RF Only, RF + -IS, -IS Only, Digipeater, and IGate view filters based on what has been observed in the station's packets paths. Some of these moved from the RF menu where they really didn't belong.

t/n (NWS info) is now a supported filter element based on the definition provided by Roger Bille (SM5NRK) on 1/11/2011, namely: a) Fromcall has 6 alphabetic characters and b) Sequencenumber (after '{') has 5 alphanumeric characters.

My parser now properly flags NWS messages as NWS for the purposes of the t/n internal filter. There's some issues with the APRS-IS t/n filter and Pete doesn't recommend its use. So, a * NWS Office may not get you everything, but my automatic filter (now p/XXX instead of b/XXX*) for a specified office 3 character prefix should work with all known NWS-type alert sources (USA and Australia at the moment).

MultiLine objects are now drawn to my best interpretation of the spec from http://www.aprs-is.net/WX/MultilineProtocol.aspx - And fixed compliments of feedback from the xastir group (Tom KM5VY)

Enforce callsign entry fields to be at most 9 characters, like the Object configuration dialog, rather than truncating on transmission. (VK2BAC Adrian)

Changed >IGATE capabilities to say "RO!" instead of the more verbose "RECEIVE-ONLY!" since this is transmitted periodically. (Rick KD4DRA)

Station Information dialog no longer asks "Send message" with Yes/No buttons, but instead offers a single "Chat" button if messaging appears to be supported by the remote station.

Default new object time format is now DHMz as that seems to be more widely accepted than HMSh.

The automatic filter will add both a b/XXXX and an o/XXXX for any window that is Awaiting(XXXX) as we don't know if it'll be a station or an object (hopefully Items get picked up by o/XXXX).

If a window is tracking an object, the Range menu option will not be present and the automatic filter will be an o/XXX, not a b/XXX nor f/XXX/range

Removed ?APRS? and ?IGATE? from the supported queries response pending implementation of actually supporting general (as opposed to directed) queries.

The current client version is included in a message to KJ4ERJ-DB before the first timing debug message is sent (Development version only).

MultiTrack windows now support View / EchoLinks and Geocaches but only based on the information being available via the main window

New XML configuration file elements

<WhoIsFull> - Brief (0 = default) or Full (1) WHO-IS query for Lookup
<SymbolChoice> - 2 character table/symbol for Beacon / Symbol options
<AltNet> and <AltNetChoice> - "Alternate" network defined in aprs101.pdf Chapter 4
<Enables.Internet> - New Enables / Internet Access
<Enables.All/RF/MyMessages> - Configure / Messages / … options
<Enables.All/HideQueries/NotifyOnQuery/OnNewMessage> - Configure / Messages / … options
<AutoReply.DelayMinutes> - Minutes of non-interaction before auto-answer message will be sent
<AutoReply.IntervalMinutes> - Minimum interval between auto-answers to a single station
<AutoReply.Reply> - Currently active (if non-blank) AutoAnswer text
<AutoReply.ReplyChoice> - Remembered choices of auto-answer text
<AutoReply.Stations> - Time at which each station was sent an auto-answer
<Beacon.Compressed> - Use Compressed (Base91, Chapter 9, not Mic-E) Beacons
<Beacon.Precision> - Replaces <Beacon.DAO> >0 is extra <0 is ambiguous
<Object.Precision> - Replaces <Object.DAO> which is not yet configurable anyway
<View.Ambiguity> - Show Ambiguous circles/rectangles if labels are displayable
<View.VisibleLabelsMax> - Maximum number of visible labels (10 on WinMo, 50 on Win32)
<View.GeoCache.ID/Type/Container/DiffTerrain> - Configure / Screen / Label / GeoCache toggles
<View.Speed.All> - Screen / Labels / Speed / All
<Screen.Battery> - Remember if Battery should be on screen or not
<Screen.Reckoning> - Screen / Dead Reckoning
<Enables.Internet> - Enables / Internet Access
<Beacon.Cellular>, <Status.Cellular>, <View.Cellular> - Puts carrier and signal info into Beacon comment, Status Report, or screen label.
<OSM.PurgeEnabled> - Configure / Maps / Purger
<APRSIS.*> - Accessible via Configure / Ports / APRS-IS
<RFPort.BulletinObjectEnabled, MessagesEnabled MessagePath> - Accessible via Configure / Ports / <YourRFPort>
<CQGroup.ViaCQSRVR> - Use CQSRVR for group, not ANSRVR
<Telemetry.MinTime> - Minimum time (in seconds) between Telemetry transmissions
<AutoTrackAlways> - Multi-Track windows that always re-open
<Object.Item> - Item (Weather Station) or Object
<Object.Permanent> - Use 111111z as object timestamp
<Object.Weather> - Flag of a Weather objects
<Object.WeatherPath> - File from which weather information is drawn
<Object.LastWeather> - (Partial) timestamp of last weather information

Performance enhancements

Change ambigous circles to rectangles. Less overhead to draw a line than a curve (WinMo)
Configuration saving is now defered for up to 60 seconds to allow crisper user interaction without delays
OSM Cache bitmap instead of tile parts

More completed ToDos in this and previous releases

Alternate Net (aprs101.pdf Chap 4) via user-specified ToCall
Simultaneously track multiple targets in separate circles (Win32 only)
Support the -180/180 latitude wrap with closest display tile
Track station as Buddy (just station) or Friend (moving range circle)
"Age" decay the saved track over a configurable period of time (Gary WB0BZR)
Support RF-only transmit and ack/no ack per-chat.
Don't allow | ~ or { in message text - Invalid per spec
Maybe add Config / Messages / Eavesdrop RF (RF Party Line?) (Jerry N7YGE)
Ignore Multi-Port flag in KISS packets and strip out leading and trailing \r\n (Steve G6UIM)
Sort My vs Eavesdrop messages by time received into Chat window
Document Message Retry as "Message-On-Heard" from page 10/20 of aprs101.pdf.
Remember to make Transmit Beacon Interval (all of Genius?) inheritable or Port-specific. - NOT happening!
Transmit Pressure: min/max intervals are per-port configurable, but not genius/turns parameters? - NO.
Genius triggers are remembered if < min xmit on port. - NO
Force goes out w/warning if < min/min of any port but transmit on all ports - Already done.
Ensure that disabled telemetry doesn't transmit (but locally processes) configuration messages. (It's not even locally processed if Telemetry is disabled)
Support Telemetry configuration messges from any callsign as long as addressed TO telemetry station.
Detect and highlight (view filter) RF vs -IS-only stations for various uses based on path w/independant timeout for each type of path detected since last detection. - Carefully consider effect of dupe detector on this algorithm.
Dead-reckoned "shadow" station running out ahead of the last beaconed position (for how long/how far?)(Only tracked station(s) or Buddies/Friends?)
Support external weather-packet generating program via a local TCP/IP port for injecting weather information into the APRS (RF and -IS) network. (Adrian VK2BAC - 12/23/2010 10:44pm e-mail)
Support remembered Auto-Reply strings that are sent once per station per time interval if a message is received while one is selected. (Julian G4ILO)

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