APRS Authors

If you know of errors or omissions on this page, please contact KJ4ERJ at his arrl.net e-mail address.

(Based on an June 2017 aprssig roll call)

APRS Client Authors or Supporters:

Callsign Name Product - Link
DO1GL1 Georg Lukas APRSdroid - http://aprsdroid.org/
DJ0ABR1 Kurt Moraw APRStrack - http://www.aprstrack.com/
G4HYG1 Chris Moulding APRS & Raynet Messenger - http://www.crosscountrywireless.net/aprs_messenger.htm
G8BPQ1 John Wiseman BPQ32/APRS - http://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/BPQAPRS.htm
JA7UDE1 Nobuyuki Oba U2APRS - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/u2aprs/info
KA2DDO Andrew Pavlin YAAC - http://www.ka2ddo.org/ka2ddo/YAAC.html
Mark & Keith Sproul WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS - http://www.winaprs.com/
KC2GJS The Xastir Group Xastir - http://www.xastir.org
KJ4ERJ Lynn Deffenbaugh Windows APRSISCE/32 - http://aprsisce.wikidot.com
Android APRSIMO - http://tinyurl.com/Get-APRSISMO
LA7ECA Oyvind Hanssen Polaric Server - http://aprs.no/polaricserver
NA6BR Chuck Bland APRSTW - http://aprstw.blandranch.net/
NV6G1 Greg Carter OpenAPRS - http://www.openaprs.net/
OH7LZB Hessu Heikki Hannikainen aprs.fi - http://aprs.fi
SV2AGW1 George Rossoppoylos AGWtracker - http://www.agwtracker.com/
W8WJB Wes Bustraan (macOS) QTH.app - https://www.qth.app/
WE7U Curt Mills SmartPalm - http://smartpalm.sourceforge.net/
ZL4FOX Bart Kindt SARtrack - http://www.sartrack.co.nz/

Soundcard Interfaces:

SV2AGW1 George Rossoppoylos AGWpe - https://www.sv2agw.com/ham/pepro.htm
UZ7HO1 Andrey Kopanchuk Soundmodem - http://uz7ho.org.ua/packetradio.htm
WB2OSZ John Langner Dire Wolf - https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf

APRS Hardware/Embedded:

Callsign Name Product - Link
EA5HAV1 Javier Martin? Trackuino - http://www.trackuino.org/
G4HYG1 Chris Moulding Digi Tracker - http://www.crosscountrywireless.net/
K7RKT1 Greg Clark BigRedBee - http://www.bigredbee.com/
KE4NYV1 Jason Rausch RTrak - http://www.rpc-electronics.com
N1VG1 Scott Miller (Open)Tracker2/3 family - http://www.argentdata.com/
N6BG1 Byon Garrabrant TinyTrak3/4 + MicroTrak - http://www.byonics.com/
VE2YAG1 Remi Bilodeau Yag/Express Tracker - http://www.rpc-electronics.com/yagtracker.php
W2FS1 John Hansen TNC-X family - http://tnc-x.com/
??????1 ???? Mobilinkd Bluetooth APRS TNC - http://www.mobilinkd.com/

Headless or Embedded Digipeater/IGates:

Callsign Name Product - Link
SQ3PLX1 Mateusz Plocinski Various APRS devices - http://microsat.com.pl/
W2GMD1 Greg Albrecht Python aprs Gateway- https://github.com/ampledata/aprsgate
W6KWF Kenneth Finnegan Aprx - http://thelifeofkenneth.com/aprx/
WB2OSZ John Langner Dire Wolf - https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf
??????1 ???? APRS multi-IGate - http://www.aprs-multi-igate.de/
??????1 ???? aprs4r - http://www.aprs4r.org (English)

APRS-IS Server Software:

Callsign Name Product - Link
AE5PL Pete Lovell javAPRSSrvr - http://www.aprs-is.net/javAPRSSrvr/
LA7ECA Oyvind Hanssen Polaric Server - http://aprs.no/polaricserver
OH7LZB Hessu Heikki Hannikainen aprsc - http://he.fi/aprsc/

APRS Libraries and Utilities:

Callsign Name Product - Link
AB0OO John Gorkos JavAPRSLib - https://github.com/ab0oo/javAPRSlib
AE5PL Pete Lovell javAPRS - http://www.aprs-is.net/javAPRS/
KA9MVA1 Steve Bragg SmartBeaconing - http://www.hamhud.net/hh2/smartbeacon.html
KD2CNQ1 Christopher Casebeer AFSK/APRS - https://github.com/casebeer/afsk
KI6WJP Martin Nile WXBOT - https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
N0AGI Nagi Punyamurthula Satellite Tracking Prediction Operator - http://www.n0agi.com/stpo-tool/
Callsign Lookup - http://www.n0agi.com/call-sign-lookup/
OH7LZB1 Hessu Heikki Hannikainen Ham::APRS::DeviceID/FAP/IS - https://www.cpan.org/
PY2UEP Demilson Quintao SM2APRS - http://www.projetoicaro.qsl.br/sm2aprs/
VA3TSK1 Greg Trasuk share-tnc - https://github.com/trasukg/share-tnc
utils-for-aprs - https://github.com/trasukg/utils-for-aprs
W2GMD1 Greg Albrecht Python aprs Module - https://github.com/ampledata/aprs
WE7U Curt Mills CoordinatesNOW! - http://www.sarguydigital.com/
WX4CB1 Charles Blackburn Linux QRU Server

Legacy Clients (will never be updated):

Callsign Name Product - Link
G4IDE Roger Barker (SK) UI-View - http://www.ui-view.net/
KH2Z Bent Hildebrand APRS+SA
WB4APR Bob Bruninga APRSdos
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