Overview The intention of QRU is to allow remote stations to send a query to the call QRU and retrieve objects of interest local to themselves, not necessarily local to the QRU server. For example sending RPT2M to QRU (at least in the UK) will get the nearest 2M repeaters to your location, with the frequency and tone, in a format compatible with the tune function of some radios. So send a query and you have the nearby repeater objects on your map or described in text. Client use To query a server to see which if any have objects within range of your station and what groups they hold, send INFO to QRU. Servers with objects in range will respond with a list of supported groups: de CALL-SSID:group(#) group(#)… Max O@Mmi/km where group isthe name of the group, # is the number of objects in the group within range of the querying station, O is the maximum number of objects sent in response to a query, and M is the default (soon) range configured for that QRU server. Appending a distance to the query (in miles or kilometers based on individual QRU server settings) will override each server's default range setting. INFO 20000 for example will get a response from QRU servers worldwide. Once you have determined which groups are available sending GROUP to QRU where GROUP is the name of the group, should get a server to respond with the objects it has local to you, subject to the maximum amount of objects limit set on the server and also the range from your station. Again appending a distance to the query will override the server's default distance, but will not override the max objects that the server will send. QRU servers can also be queried directly. For servers with a low amount of objects per group they will respond with a list of objects, servers with a large amount of objects will respond with an error message listing the number of objects per group the server holds. Servers will attempt to limit the number of objects sent in a combination of max objects and range. Servers will send item as message objects where ever possible, in an attempt to avoid large amounts of objects showing and also to better pass through remote igates. Recommended Common Groups
Server Setup Object creation is done via the configure/objects menu. To configure an object move the map until the location is centred on the map, it very useful to have crosshairs enable for this (configure/screen/crosshairs) and zoom in as appropriate. Remember to enable and set an interval and the vias. If you only want the objects to go out as a result of a query make sure the interval is set to 0, otherwise they will be sent on the scheduled interval also. When you are centred, create the object via the configure/objects/create menu, you will get a popup menu. Enter a unique name, comment and select a symbol. QRU Settings
Next objects query the next max objects amount of objects |