Screen Layout
Screen Layout

This is from the original .TXT file e-mailed when you join the APRSISCE group:

Note that some of the information is obsolete as this file has not been kept current with the program's features.

Here are some notes about the other program features:

Double-Clicking the top center rectangle will show a series of message boxes enumerating the connections configured on your device. This is for my debugging lost connections. - Note that in some network situations, the client may appear to hang for 30-60 seconds. You can access other applications on your phone and APRSISCE will eventually recover.

Clicking an Icon in the center brings up a message box providing some data about who/what that thing is including range (distance) and bearing, their last known coordinates, and the time that information was received. The "via" in the title is the name of the IGate that ported that packet to APRS-IS.

The slider along the center of the left edge changes the zoom level for the circle. If you have up/down buttons or a thumb wheel, they may also drive the zoom. It defaults to 8 miles radius (16 miles across). Plus will increase the viewable range (zoom out - show more) and minus will decrease the viewable range (zoom in - show fewer). The icons will automatically shrink if you zoom out really far. Double-clicking in this bar will go to that zoom setting immediately.

The upper left corner shows the "local" stations as they report in. You can click any one of these to see the same information accessible from the center circle.

The upper right corner shows your speed and immediately under that is your heading. Below that is an accumulated odometer. Double-clicking the odometer will offer to clear it along with your current track (the black line drawn in the center circle when you move).

The bars on the right are (from outside (right) to inside): current battery state and number of stations stored. If the station bar goes full range and red, it will still continue to add new stations. The upper limit is averaged over multiple operating sessions of sufficient length to be considered "normal".

The box in the lower right corner shows the status of the GPS fix and the bars along the bottom show the satellites in use and in view.

Above the satellites in the lower left corner is your altitude with background color bars showing the vertical and horizontal DOP (dilution of precision).

Above the altitude and below the slider bar is the current zoom radius in miles or feet (with a ').

If you double-click a station that APRSISCE believes can receive messages, you can send it a message. To send a message to any station, use Menu/Send Message from the lower right corner. Select or key in the To: callsign and enter your desired text. A pop-up will appear when/if you receive an Ack.

Received messages will be accessible in the upper left corner box immediately below the scrolling incoming stations. Double-click it if it goes green to read your messages and optionally reply.

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