First what callsign-SSID are we discussing here? It always helps to know which instance you're asking about.
Are you sure you are receiving packets on your RF Port?
You can access the following Trace Logs via Enables / View Logs / <NameOfLog> and make sure they are enabled to see valuable debug information:
Can you make sure all of the following logs are enabled and do tests in
both Packet and APRS modes and then e-mail the resulting logs to
<YourRFPortName> - Shows detailed information about traffic on your RF port
IGate - Shows IGate activities
IGate(NOT) - Show IGate denial activities
Transmit - Useful for debugging -IS to RF IGating
In addition, make sure the following menu option is checked:
Enables / Logging / File Enabled - This puts all other Trace Logs into APRSIS32*.LOG
Also, the following Port options affect the IGate functions:
Configure / Ports / APRS-IS / RF to IS and IS to RF and Enabled and Xmit Enable
Configure / Ports / <YourPortName> / RF to IS and IS to RF and Enabled and Xmit Enable
Enables / APRS-IS Enabled (must be checked)
Enables / Internet Access (must be checked)
Enables / Ports / All (must be checked for any RF Port to work)
Enables / Ports / Receive Only (must NOT be checked for xmit-capable IGate)
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32