I found you can add alternate map sources directly from the gui. The standard OSM(Open Street maps) are good but I wanted satellite and 3d maps. MapQuest offers both based on the OSM sources.
Satellite feed:
From with aprsis32 gui select Configure->Map->Tile Sets->New Tile Set…
Name:{what ever you wish to call the set}
Click accept and you will get a popup asking to locate or create an OSMTiles filder for the cache. Close the popup then create a new folder(anywhere you which to store the files), open the folder and click save. I created a new folder called SATTiles.
3d terrain:
From with aprsis32 gui select Configure->Map->Tile Sets->New Tile Set…
Name:{what ever you wish to call the set}
Click accept and you will get a popup asking to locate or create an OSMTiles filder for the cache. Close the popup then create a new folder(anywhere you which to store the files), open the folder and click save. I created a new folder called 3DTiles.
You can switch between the different maps by selecting Configure->Map->Tile Sets->{set name}
Brian - KJ6ZZY